In this issue of The Freestyle Blast Newsletter, we take a trip to the West Coast, make a Freestyle Fruit Salad, and then check out some upcoming Freestyle Club and Concert Events headed your way!
And so an incredible and exciting Summer filled with Freestyle Club and Concerts comes to an end. After covid’s nasty blow upon our genre, it was scary to think that this market might not rebound, but it did, and boy, are we grateful for that!
It was so wonderful to see all of our Freestyle friends and family, and even more so, all of the loyal fans who, at the moment the doors reopened, were there ready to pick up from where they left off. Thank you all so so much!
The Summer of 2022 ended with two amazing West Coast Freestyle concerts that, unless you were there, I swear, you wouldn’t believe. Who would’ve thought, that a genre that was born in the Bronx, NY would have such an impact on our brothers and sisters across the country? But we’ll get to that shortly.
Also, I dive into a topic that’s been weighing on me for quite some time. It’s regarding our artists, their current state within not just the genre, but life itself, and how we’ve come into a time when holding each other up, isn’t something we should be doing, but rather something we must!
So ready? Set? Blast off!
Being born and raised in the Bronx, New York, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I would be making so many trips to the West Coast, namely, California!
But thanks to Freestyle Music, and the incredible promoters that keep it bumping, I have now been making regular trips to Cali for over thirty years, and not only do I feel at home, but many fans have also since become family.
The end of my Freestyle Summer of ‘22, took place in California, first at the Freestyle Festival’s 20th Anniversary at the Queen Mary in Long Beach.
Another incredible Bobby Dee Presents, someone who I personally have worked with since he first started his journey over twenty years ago.
Having started as his exclusive Booking Agent way back then, and into his now famous Freestyle Fest, Bobby grew quickly, and servicing his ascension was a bit more than what I was able to take on alone.
Who would’ve thought that after all these years that anything pertaining to Freestyle Music could still attract even a thousand people, let alone SEVENTEEN-thousand!
But that’s exactly what went down on Saturday, August 20th. 17,000 party people packed last month’s Queen Mary park, to dance and sing along with such Freestyle legends as The Cover Girls, Stevie B, Lisa Lisa, Sweet Sensation, Timmy T, Connie, Shannon, Expose, Cynthia, Johnny O, Pretty Poison… you know what? Just check out the flyer below!
It was a wonderful day, and the weather was perfect. Every head amongst the overwhelming sea of people bopped to every song performed. A super fun-loving crowd, there to do just one thing… have the time of their lives!
There’s a reason why Bobby Dee calls his event a Freestyle Festival, because that is exactly what it is. California, you guys are so fortunate to have something like this!
The crowd roared as my Cover Girls made their grand entrance upon a rotating stage, my wife greeting her fans with the same level of love that they’ve always shown her, and her girls.
You would think that after so many years doing this that I would already be used to this type of reaction, but believe me, I am not, and whether it be The Cover Girls, Lil’ Suzy, or pretty much anyone else, I could never seem to shake off the lump in my throat and watery eyes I go through at every event.
No matter where you live in California, or even just outside the state, whenever you hear that Bobby Dee’s Freestyle Festival is about to pop off, I can’t stress it enough, grab your friends and family and go experience this Freestyle phenomenon, you’ll be glad you did.
Whenever I see Bobby in person, I always thank him for all he does, but in this newsletter, and on behalf of the entire Freestyle community… I’d like to say it again, Thank you, Bobby!
Just one week later, my wonderful career brings me right back to The Golden State, but this time up north to The Bay Area, San Jose to be exact for another amazing Freestyle music event!
If you have yet to experience one of the many many Freestyle Explosion Throwback Jams that have been popping up every year, then you are missing out on one of Freestyle’s greatest wonders!
I have been extremely fortunate to be working with promoter Alan Beck and his Pacific Concert Group for many years. An event that isn’t only a joy for the fans, but also for all the artists, definitely an example to be followed.
Their concerts run like a well-oiled machine, their schedule tight and completely thought out. Just follow their system, and trust that everything will turn out great!
After settling my girls into their dressing room to start getting ready for the show, I follow the music and roaring crowd side stage, where no matter how many of these events I work, I’m still in awe when I see something like this.
I can’t help but stare into the audience. To be able to articulate exactly what it is that I see is beyond my writing ability, but maybe because it’s more than what I see, it’s what I feel!
All those fans singing and dancing in their seats as if they’ve somehow transcended to another time, a wonderful time according to their faces, many of their eyes flooding with tears, and damn…, I’m getting goosebumps just writing about it!
The pros know how to put these concerts together where they seem simple, but don’t let that fool you, these events are well planned, and planned months in advance. Their teams, the best of the best, and of course their captains, born leaders with one goal in mind, and that is to make their event the absolute best experience for all… and the fact that the crowds return year after year confirms, that that’s exactly what they did!
To the entire Pacific Concert Group, RJ and Natalie, The Harolds (Sound and Stage), and of course the captain, Alan Beck, we’ll just like to say… Thank you!
Do you live in a state or city that you feel would really appreciate one of these Mega Freestyle Events? If so, let us know in the comments below, ‘cause hey… we never know who might be reading this!
Attention Freestyle artists, don’t be an old sour lemon, and enjoy now, the fruits of your legacy.
The success that Freestyle is currently experiencing with all of the club and concert events popping up around the country, is in no way tied directly to any individual artist or group.
Not saying that there aren’t artists directly responsible for the success of particular events, Not at all, but for the success of the genre as a whole, credit is to be distributed evenly among All Working Artists!
Though some artists may be able to sustain their careers outside of the Freestyle music genre, the genre itself cannot sustain itself without the collaborative effort of all.
They say the strength is in the numbers, and when it comes to Freestyle, I couldn’t agree more. Most of our artists can pack a nice size club on their own, but in order to pack an arena, like the ones I mentioned above, we need everyone on board, therefore the value lies there.
Lately, I’ve been hearing about artists and other personnel anticipating their retirement for one reason or another, and not only does that sadden me, it outright scares the shit out of me!
As the manager of two of Freestyle’s greatest acts, you would think that the retirement of others would overall benefit me and mine, as more opportunities would open up, but on the contrary, this move can be bad and have a detrimental impact on us all.
As I meet up with our artists in hotel lobbies and backstage at the shows, I can’t help but imagine when the time will come when many will no longer be around, either by their choice… or God’s.
Right now though, most are still here, and still going strong, so it’s easy to shake off that thought, though time is flying faster than it’s ever been, and before we know it, that inevitable curtain will drop for the last time.
Unity at this point isn’t only important for the continued success of Freestyle, but important also for the future of ourselves as individuals, and to protect our elder selves for when all this will be nothing more than a memory.
The last thing I wanna do is sit around boring my great-grandkids with stories about what Angel and I used to do, pulling out our massive collection of old photos and backstage passes whenever our family gathered.
Regret is a scary thing folks, and if we keep that in mind as Freestyle enters its Golden years, we’ll all make much better choices now.
Attention artists and other freestyle personnel contemplating retirement of any kind… Please don’t do it, you’re still very much needed!
Thomas Field, Ken French, Sonya Moon, Alejandro DjLexloco Rivera, James A Yepes, Richard Sanchez, Joe Grasso, Michael Daniel Soria, Antonio Sabater, Mars Vein, Jay Garcia, Erik Acosta, Womina Wells, Benny Blanx LoGrasso, Francisco Ramos, Ignacio Martinez, Joseph Seipos, Chuck Lamagra, forjulio32, Veronica Escalante, Amanda Marie
Wishing you all a very Happy Birthday, with many more to follow!
To all our Subscribers, Readers, Subjects, and of course our SPONSOR for Sponsoring this month’s issue of the Freestyle Blast Newsletter, Thank you all so much!
and until next month…
This was your Freestyle Blast!
I agree that freestyles strength lies in the collective. This is why I'm so elated to see y'all support each other. Looking from across the continent, seeing those shows taking place in jam-packed venues in the Golden State puts a smile on my face.