Jul 26, 2023Liked by Latif Mercado

I've rarely thought about the common threads between freestyle and hip hop, but given how "Planet Rock" played a huge part in both genres' foundations, it makes sense.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Latif Mercado

Awesome info Latif. Since I subscribed to the newsletter and facebook group, I have learned so much about freestyle. I totally understand about the one beat one blood article. Freestyle needed to evolve to the present generations, it's stuck in a bubble just waiting to get out, waiting for the right person to pop it. You have been a inspiration brother, keep up the awesome work.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Latif Mercado

Awesome article bro. Very informative, and interesting about the beats used in freestyle music. Keep up the great work.

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