In this issue of The Blast we talk about the New Year, a New Career and a whole new Mindset.
Welcome to Issue #25, the beginning of our third year as The Freestyle Blast Newsletter. I sure hope you all have been as happy to read each issue as I have been writing it.
Every issue is a work in progress as I try and bring something a bit different and exciting. Every single day new subscribers come aboard, and I can’t believe how much we’ve grown.
If you’re brand new to The Blast, welcome! And just as a recap of what we’re about. We’re a FREE monthly newsletter dedicated to the world of Freestyle music. The publication is sent directly to your inbox on the 15th of every month, and I am proud to say, that so far… we haven’t missed a beat!
I have been the sole writer since the inception, with my boy, DJ Wonder Rican stepping in and taking over the Flash Blast 3.
This year, I hope to add a few more contributors, making it a publication for the community, by the community, and if you have an idea that would serve our readers, well then send me an email, and let me hear what you got.
So without further ado, let’s get into it!
It’s a new year! So what does that mean to you? Do you have any New Year resolutions, or maybe you just like to call them goals? Whatever you call it, stepping into a New Year with the mindset of doing something new and exciting, to make changes in your lives, careers and relationships is normal and healthy, and I believe that whether or not people admit to setting resolutions, somehow, everyone does!
I set new goals every year. Some I reach, but many I don’t. For some that I do take on, the first year is usually a breeze, but the years that follow can be a challenge.
For example, this Freestyle Blast Newsletter. This was a goal I set back in January of 2022, where I committed myself to release an issue every single month on the 15th, and I am proud to say that this issue marks the beginning of my third year doing this. Along with this goal, is an add-on goal where I promised myself that I would release The Freestyle Blast Yearbook by the first of the New Year, every year! And once again I am proud to say. I did it!

There are many other goals that I have planned for the New Year, some look promising, but there are a few that I can see getting washed away as the year progresses. But that’s fine, I tried, and will try again.
How about you? Do you set goals for the New Year? Maybe you do and don’t know it. Or maybe you refuse to set any goals because in the past you’ve fallen off. Here’s one even better. You set goals every year but you keep it to yourself to avoid the embarrassment of failure. I get it and hear you loud and clear.
But then I think about it like this, remember when we were kids? We all had these huge dreams. Dreams that would make some people laugh. But as we got older, those dreams got smaller. They went from unimaginably huge, to conservatively realistic. What happened? When in our lives did this shift take place?
For me, it was around the age of 32. I was working at Metropolitan Records at the time, and though for me, it was a dream “Job,” after a while the dream part of it began to dissolve and I was left with just a job! And my job, like all jobs, was to help my boss fulfill his dreams and reach his goals. And though I do appreciate the opportunity as it did set many stages for my career, I knew that if I didn’t get out, I would be stuck there for a very long time.
I remember tossing and turning one night, and Angel, knowing what I was going through, sat up around 3:00 am, and pulled out a pen and paper, and at the top of that paper she drew out two columns and title one Pros and the other, Cons.
I thought it was silly and rolled back over, but Angel didn’t let up. She continued asking me questions as she filled out her list, and when she was done, and showed it to me. It was crystal clear that the dream part had become stagnant, and that the only thing that was keeping me around was the money and the security that I got so used to.
A fat paycheck, full benefits, and a 401k that I had been generously feeding made me a slave to the system, and I knew at that very moment… I had to go!
The change was challenging no doubt, but the freedom allowed me to once again be able to dream.
So I have a question. Can you recall dreams that you might’ve had as a kid, but don’t any longer? And can you track back to when and how that shift took place? I’d love to hear it and I’m sure our readers would too.
Hey, I do Freestyle, it’s no secret. I’m an agent and manager among a few other hats I wear. I’ve made a decent living over the years. was able to live comfortably. Buy homes and cars, take vacations, and practically live the American dream and I am beyond grateful.
But how grateful am I really if I don’t at least share what I know? Besides, in my opinion, the more people that can find an opportunity for themselves within this genre of music, the stronger the Freestyle Eco-System will become.
Look, you’ve heard it before. Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life! This statement is so very true because, for the 30-plus years that I’ve been in this business, I somehow feel like I’ve beat the system.
Still to this day, I wake up enthusiastic about what the day might bring. What artist will I interact with today, what new promoters will I get to book for, and what great Freestyle shows will I be a part of?
But besides the jobs I do, or even being an artist, there are still many opportunities available within Freestyle. Opportunities for you to serve the same audiences that we’ve been serving and making a living from for over three decades.
You’ve seen those massive Freestyle audiences that we’ve been playing to all over the country, and abroad. Well, the buck doesn’t stop there, folks. The shows, I believe are where it all starts.
I have a booklet called 12 Doors to Freestyle, where I came up with a bunch of great ideas to capitalize on the Freestyle market. But the real power in the booklet is the other million ideas that it can potentially trigger in everyone who reads it.
Look it’s a New Year, and if you’ve ever had a desire to break into the Freestyle music business, well the only time better than last year… is this year.
Good luck, and let me know how it goes.
Angel Original CoverGirl, Frankie Cutlass, Shawn Hayes, Melvin Ware, Paulie Feva, Sonya Cruz, Felipe Rose, Rena M. Simo, Raymond Ortiz Rios, Melissa DiGiacomo, Lionel Marsh, Joey D Martinez, David Palermo, Tury Quinonez, Sam Adams, Kazzeo Novelli, Pono Bailey, Susan Gonzalez, DJtonyboricua Sanchez, Evelyn Cortes, Kimba Vazquez, Safire, Lisa Velez Mello, Dania Birks, Corina
To all our Subscribers, Readers, Subjects, and of course our Sponsors, for being a part of this month’s issue of the Freestyle Blast Newsletter, Thank you all so much!
and until next time…
This was your Freestyle Blast!
Latif Mercado has been a part of the Freestyle Music scene for well over 30 years, as well as an integral player behind the genre’s continued success.
As a Booking Agent with a who's who roster of Freestyle Greats, as well as his managerial involvement with such industry icons as Lil' Suzy, Angel OCG, S.A.L., and The Cover Girls, rarely would you find a Freestyle event happening without Latif somewhere in the mix.
Latif loves hearing from his readers, answering questions, and sharing whatever advice he possibly can, whether it be on writing, or maybe something Freestyle-related, so be sure to reach out, even if it’s just to say hi.
So please Follow Him here @LatifMercado
Congratulations Latif on another year of the blast! Can't wait to see what 2024 brings.